Photos: Cheshire Garden Club Holiday Door Contest Winners Announced
Photos: Cheshire Garden Club Holiday Door Contest Winners Announced
Photo courtesy of the Cheshire Garden Club - In 2008 homeowners Victor and Tina D'Amato remodeled their 1956 ranch into a beautiful two-story Colonial with an open porch out front. Tina is shown seated next to two wooden signs, one proclaiming "JOY," the other engraved with the D'Amato name and spelling out "WELCOME." Victor is holding up the 2020 Holiday Door award sign. Their daughter Victoria, shown with Jackson, one of their three standard poodles, has decorated their front door with three wreaths increasing in size from top to bottom and placed a garland around the door, enhanced by round Christmas ornaments. The insignia inside the wreaths read "Joy," "Peace," and "Blessed." Colorful pillows complement the festive decorations. A wooden Santa Claus and Deer carved by Victor's father several decades ago greet the visitor at the entrance Coming in second were the front door decorations by Holly Ruszczyk, at 61 Wolf Hill Court.
Photo courtesy of Cheshire Garden Club - Homeowners Jack and Marian Hourigan have placed garlands all around the porch at the side of their home built in the 1930's as well as around their front door which also features a large decorated wreath. Two Christmas trees on either side of the door are enhanced by big red bows.Most notable, however, is the huge sleigh hailing from the late 1890's that they inherited from Jack's grandfather, William. Jack has lovingly restored and repainted this unique heirloom and placed faux colorful packages inside.Joining the award ceremony is their West Highland terrier Scottie.A close runner-up was the Lois Van Almkerk residence at 340 Wiese Road.
Photo courtesy of Cheshire Garden Club - Homeowner Michael Cieplak is joined by his 7-year old son Collin during the award ceremony in front of their Prescott House. Collin helped his dad put up all of the decorations, which include 37 wreaths hung from each window enhanced by a pink bow. Hailing back to the 1950's, several statuaries placed along the entire front include three carolers, several snowmen, a Santa Claus and cute little elves.A most eye-catching display, however, is visible way up high that Michael has strung from the house all the way to a nearby tree, showing Santa riding in his sleigh being pulled by his faithful reindeers. The runner-up in this category was the residence of Paul Palma, at 121 Park Place.
Photo courtesy of Cheshire Garden Club - Enjoying the award presentation with a big hug are Vicki, Rose, Rob and Erika, joined by Ellie, their Australian Shepherd rescue dog. The entire family participated in decorating the front of their house in a most unique and varied way. Just ever so elegant is the garland around their front door which features large white Christmas balls, set off by smaller red and golden ones. That pattern is repeated in the wreath which is enhanced by a large golden bow. On either side of the stoop are two black urns filled with holly and pine and little Santa and snowman figurines. A larger version of them stands on the top of the stoop. Underneath the living room window are two wire mesh deer painted a beautiful golden color. Most unusual, however, is the Blue Atlas Cedar off to the right side, decorated with a multitude of Christmas ornaments. A close runner-up were the decorations by Richard Uluski, at 129 North Timber Lane.
Photo courtesy of Cheshire Garden Club - Since March Susan Dillman, former president of the Suburban Garden Club of Cheshire, has been involved in a very worthy project with a small group of Club members, making and selling more than 3,000 face masks to help feed the hungry. To date, more than $24,000 has been raised for food banks and soup kitchens in Cheshire and neighboring towns. The holiday decorations at the entrance of her 1939 Cape home she shares with her husband, Ed, are just ever so elegantly fashioned with two black iron pots filled with evergreen boughs and gold branches and a number of wreaths suspended from the door and windows. Most notable, however, is the snowman Susan created from grapevine that sits in a large pot filled with pine, spruce and holly and proudly wears a face mask! Coming in second were the decorations by Cheshire Garden Club member Janet Edwards, at 147 Old Towne Road.
Photo courtesy of Cheshire Garden Club - A most delightful display at the top of the driveway greets the visitor to the Paws Pet Resort. Owner Joe Whitright holding up the award certificate is joined by his wife Robin, their son Joey and their Golden Retriever Morgan. Joe has handcrafted the large beautiful red sleigh which is being pulled by a life-size golden reindeer. His latest creation is the large Peace on Earth sign. Most notable is the huge holiday arch at the top of the driveway that Joe and his son Joey have constructed over a period of several weeks. Although not shown in this photo, this most recent creation can be seen from far away.
December 25, 2020 10:03AM
Once again, the Cheshire Garden Club spent time before Christmas looking for the town's most impressive door displays. After completing judging for the 66th Annual Holiday Door Contest, the group has announced winners in the six categories: Front Door (128 Laurel Terrace); Vintage Home (101 Lanyon Drive); Youth Motiff (1100 Moss Farms Road); Entire Front Door (106 Sloper Lane); Garden Club Member (875 Wolf Hill Road); and Public/Business (312 East Johnson Avenue – PAWS Pet Resort).
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How To Decorate A Door For Chrustmas For The Garden Club
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